Sunday, April 12, 2009

1-Flight Review

Nothing extraordinary... but hopefully not ordinary either. This blog is simply one pilot's commentary on anything aviation which he encounters. If it's in the aviation / aerospace arena, it's worth talking about. Aviation training, business concerns, weather and, I suppose, even zeppelins, may be topics along with everything in between. Publications, articles, books, policy, education, events, organzations and more - as long as they relate to aviation - are fair game.

And just who IS the owner of the three brain cells roaming about the blogosphere commenting on the grand topic of aviation under the guise of 1 Flight Review? It's neither a high time airline pilot nor designated flight examiner.

The soul blathering on here is fortunate enought to hold a CFII, but isn't a practicing flight instructor at this time. He's worked for Jeppesen as a technical writer helping develop many of the training products in the Guided Flight Discovery series including the Instrument / Commercial Manual, Private Pilot Maneuvers CBT, and multiple training videos and CFI renewal modules. Heck, the folks at Jeppesen even let this piker manage their FlitePro flight training software for a time being. That was back in the day.

Before that he taught aviation courses and was a coach for the university flight team at the University of Nebraska-Omaha while picking up a graduate degree in public administration with an emphasis on aviation administration. Since then, he landed "off airport" so to speak, pranging himself into the high tech industry and adding an MBA to further addel his brain.

That soul would be yours truly.... If you find this blog, thanks for the read. And if you'd like to add comments, information, or resources related to the aviation world which others may find interesting, helpful, or entertaining, feel free to let me know.


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